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Alert! Program Guide Changes


Changes for 2022-2023

1. Chapter II Under School Memberships:

One item deleted in the following sentence:

Furthermore, each team is allowed one student that attends a different school without a membership, but who resides in the same general area.

Now changed to:

Furthermore, each team is allowed one student that attends a different school without a membership.

Under Home School Memberships:

Wording slightly changed so it doesn’t seem to require seven students on a team: Each home-schooled team must include a majority of homeschool students. For example, for a team of seven, a minimum of four homeschooled students must be on the team and each team may also include up to three students from other schools that would not have to purchase an additional membership.

2. The Outside Assistance Form

Once sentence added referencing the “OotM Closet” mentioned in the Program Guide: If you used an item(s) from a previous solution, such as taking from an “OoTM Closet” as mentioned in the program guide, please list the item and explain what modifications were made.

3. Basic Updating

Any other area with a date/year was updated and the Spirit Award Winner was changed to 2022 Winner Dr. Jim Mourey, Jr.

4. Virtual references removed.



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