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November News


With details about the Community Star Award, the new Odyssey HQ website, the "OMER Talks" Zoom sessions, a reminder to check out NYSOMA's growing social media presence and a plug to check out our Regional Tournament schedule as well as volunteer opportunities.

Community Star Award

The NYSOMA Community Star Award is intended for an individual or business who has made an outstanding commitment to the Odyssey of the Mind® Program by:

  • Demonstrating a passion for Odyssey of the Mind within their school, district, community, or region.

  • Giving time, energy, and resources to support Odyssey of the Mind within their school district, community, or region.


This award is not intended to replace the OMer Award but to recognize previously unsung heroes.

The deadline for nominations is March 3rd 2025.

Download a flyer to distribute here

New Odyssey HQ (CCI) Registration System


As Odyssey continues to update their system, please be patient as we all go through this process.


Currently, coaches can register for an account under their national membership as well as register the problem and division for the team. Help guides can be found here:


Coming soon, will be the ability to register for a tournament.

OMER Talks!

OMER Talks are monthly Zoom sessions designed to help current members and officials enhance their skills, the Odyssey Way!

They feature Odyssey subject experts explaining and exploring Odyssey topics. They will be held the 3rd Tuesday of every month throughout the program year.

The next one is on November 19th – “Secrets of Spontaneous”.

A link to register for the session can be found in the Members Area.

Program Guide and Clarifications

Don’t forget to read the Program Guide, which is essential reading for all coaches and team members.  Chapter 5 lists all the rules that you teams need to be aware of as well as information about cost forms, prohibitive items and …


Odyssey HQ also posts on their website general clarifications to the long-term problems which can be found here.

General clarifications can be posted all the way up to World Finals so keep checking back.

If the team has a question that cannot be answered by reading the problem, checking the Program Guide or the general clarifications then they may submit that question under your coach’s account.

Help on submitting a “team specific clarification” can be found here:

Social Media

Check out our resurrected Facebook page New York Odyssey of the Mind

We have also been growing our Instagram (@NYSOdyssey) presence with news, notices about new pins and alerts when clarifications are posted at Odyssey HQ.

Get ready for our big IG launch in January!

Regional Tournaments

Check out the dates for all the NY regional tournaments:

If you can volunteer to help, please contact the Regional Director.

Details of all regional contacts can be found at



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