Venue Information
New York State Fairgrounds
​NY State Finals @ NYS Fairgrounds is a Drug and Tobacco Free Campus

Prop Drop Routes

Micron Center of Progress

Competition site
Problem 1: The OM-Mazing Race
LED/Souvenir Sales
Dance Party
T-Shirt Toss
Awards Ceremony
No balls of any type may be thrown
at the Awards Ceremony

Exhibit Center (aka Dairy & Cattle)
Competition Site
Problem 4: Save Me Structure
- Divisions 1 & 2/3

Horticulture Building

Competition Site
Problem 5: AstronOMical Odyssey
- Divisions 1, 2 & 3

Art & Home Center

Competition Site
Problem 3: Classics...Cooking with Books
- Divisions 1, 2 & 3

Science & Industry Building

Info Desk / Team Registration
Souvenir Sales
Shuttle Bus Stop
Food Trucks

Solvay High School

Competition Site
Problem 2: Mech-Animal Sidekick
- Divisions 1 & 2/3
Spontaneous Competition (NO PUBLIC ENTRY)

There will be 3 shuttle buses running continuously from the Science and Industry Building to Solvay High School and then back to the Fairgrounds.
Teams who drive props to the venue may drop them at the front and then go park in the designated prop parking lots, using the supplied Prop Parking Pass. There is no general parking at the school but plenty of free street parking. That being said, we encourage supporters to use the shuttle buses and leave their cars at the Fairgrounds.
The right sided entrance at the front of the school is for all Problem 2 Teams and Props
The left side entrance at the front of the school is for the concessions/sales and Spontaneous only.
There is no parking in the bus loop.
Only 1 coach may accompany the team to the spontaneous registration (outside the Music Room) and the holding rooms (Music & Chorus rooms).